Thursday, 12 November 2009

Oh deary deary me.

I havn't posted anything in a long time, and its very naughty. I have no excuse really, apart form my raging social life!! or the fact i like to go to bed at 8pm these days. Right so tonight i thought i'd share some home made cards with you. Some are old some are new. I find these days there is no way i would ever buy a card for someone, and i think that the person who was recieve a Clintons card form me would know immediately that i was in a rush or forgot! So its not an option to buy. Always homemade.

Here is a selection.

This one was for Stanley Bill Burgess. My Nephew.

I have sent this to a few people, arent they lucky?

For my sister Rosie.
A few for some work collegues, again, what lucky sods!!!